About the Journal

Research Journal in Advanced Humanities is a leading multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open-access journal, publishing research across the breadth of the arts and humanities. Part of Royallite Global, the journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all – authors benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal’s broad scope allows researchers to explore interconnected subject areas. The journal operates under the expert guidance of a team of Senior Editors, supported by an international Editorial Board. Each submission is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Article-level metrics let the research speak for itself.

Years of Establishment: 2020

Frequency: Four Issues per year. The journal doesn't publish special issues

Online ISSN: 2708-5953

Print ISSN: 2708-5945

Archiving: LOCKSS
Legal Deposit: Kenya National Library Services (KNLS)


Research Journal in Advanced Humanities is owned by Royallite Global, part of Royallite Publishers Limited, a company registered in Kenya. 

Journal Manager: Amos O. Ojwang'

Marketing Coordinator: Dr. Yaseen 
Marketing Manager: Diana Motari



The inaugural issue was released.

Dr. Dickson Adom became the founding Editor-in-Chief.

2020 Research Journal in Advanced Humanities was indexed in BASE.
2021 Indexed in JournalTOCs.
2021 Expanded the geographical location of editors and authors. 
2021 Research Journal in Advanced Humanities established the following sections:
- Literature, Linguistics & Criticism
- Culture, Media & Film
- Cultural Heritage
- Digital Humanities
- History
- Philosophy & Religion
- Visual & Performing Arts

Research Journal in Advanced Humanities indexed in Scopus

Current Projects and Future Plans:

- Applied for COPE's Membership

- Applied for WoS indexing

- Articles are now being published alongside peer-review reports to uphold academic integrity.

- Increasing the number of articles per Issue from 20 to 40 to enable a wider geographical distribution of authors worldwide.