The dystopian elements of government in Orwell's Novel 1984

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Elsadig Hussein Fadlallah Ali


The paper focuses on the dystopian elements of government as depicted in Orwell’s novel 1984. Generally, dystopia appears in the abuse of power, manipulation, exploitation, and injustice in man's attempt to achieve a perfect society. This paper deals with how dystopian literature depicts the flaws of those seemingly utopian societies in Orwell's 1984. It shows how people fall victim to the dystopian government policy and its games, exposing peoples’ lives to danger and even death. In brief, it shows the slow decay of life and self as reflected in dystopian literature which portrays a frightening vision of a revolutionary world, generally controlled by knowledge and a dictatorial ruling government that uses any possible means to utilize iron-handed power over its people; this is done through the discussion of how Orwell depicted the elements of dystopian government like family and sex, repression, religion, control of information, society, psychological manipulation, and technology in his novel.