The influence of spiritual quotient and social competence on intercultural sensitivity and their impact on attitude of religious moderation at adolescents in Mataram City

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I Wayan Ardhi Wirawan
I Made Agus Yudi Arsana
Ni Made Arini


This study aims to analyze the influence of the Spiritual Quotient, Social Competence, Intercultural Sensitivity, and Attitude of Religious Moderation variables on adolescents in the Mataram City, Indonesia. This research was designed in associative quantitative type using path analysis, both direct and indirect effects. Based on the results of the study it was found that there was a direct influence of Spiritual Quotient on Social Competence 0.550, on Intercultural Sensitivity 0.433, and on Attitude of Religious Moderation 0.198. The direct effect of Social Competence on Intercultural Sensitivity is 0.029 and on the Attitude of Religious Moderation is 0.179. The direct effect of Intercultural Sensitivity on Attitude of Religious Moderation 0.492. The indirect effect of Spiritual Quotient on Attitude of Religious Moderation through Intercultural Sensitivity is 0.212, through Social Competence is 0.099 through Intercultural Sensitivity and Social Competence is 0.057. The indirect effect of Social Competence on the Attitude of Religious Moderation through an intercultural sensitivity of 0.103. Based on the results of the analysis, Spiritual Quotient and Social Competence, both directly and indirectly, have an influence on the Attitude of Religious Moderation, as well as Intercultural Sensitivity, which has a direct effect on the Attitude of Religious Moderation in the group of adolescents at the research location.