The portrait of humorous social interaction in “Kontrakan Rempong” sitcom

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Sisila Fitriany Damanik
Eddy Setia
Syahron Lubis
Asmyta Surbakti


The research aims to investigate the humorous social interactions semantically in Kontrakan Rempong sitcom by applying the three significant groups of humor concepts (superiority, relief, and incongruity), denoted as parameters of SSTH theory. The qualitative method was applied to represent and construct the variation in a situation, phenomenon, problem, or event. From the 20 episodes of Kontrakan Rempong sitcom, it was found that the actors normally uttered impoliteness superiority remarks to raise conflict, establish a target limit, and announce and support status. People can achieve self-reflexive pleasure in observing others' inferiority. From the relief-based humor analysis in Kontrakan Rempong sitcom, the taboo-breaking moments were even more influential in regenerating something stressful into something cheerful. It is a strategy for coming to terms with misfortunate aspects of life. From the incongruity-based humor analysis, it can be concluded that the events were perceived as incongruous since the arrangement of the constituent elements of the events was incompatible with the normal or expected ones. In Kontrakan Rempong, the context is important to bring laughter since it appears as a result of the reader's understanding of the context