Identifying Turn-Taking Strategies in Toba Batak Wedding Traditional “Mangulosi”: A Case on Conversation Analysis

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Anita Purba
Ridwin Purba
Herman Herman
Putri Novita Nainggolan


This research is to find out theturn taking strategies that used by the participants in Batak Toba mangulosi cultural event. Phenomenon is not little of the Toba Batak community does not include even custom events not executing the process Mangulosi during their marriage because they assume that This Mangulosi event is a waste of time and money.The purpose of the research is to find out the types of strategies in Toba Batak Traditional Mangulosi. The researchers collected the data by using video. This research uses qualitative descriptive method.This theory describes three types namely Taking the turn (starting up, take over, interrupting), Holding the turn (filled pause, silent pause, meta-comments), Yielding the turn (prompting, appealing, giving up.The result of this research shows that there are 27 data with the different percentage such as; Hesitant Start (8%), Clean Start (8%), Uptakes (8%), Link (8%), Alert (4%), Meta-Comments (-), Filled Pause (10%), Silent Pause (12%), Repetition (24%), Prompting (10%), Appealing (8%), Giving up (8%).This research is expected to provide more information to readers that they need to pay attention to what the speaker needs and when it should be delivered.