Environmental pollution and its relationship to the media and the law: Awareness of the dialectics of the complementary relationship

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Nadia Yas
Yas Al-Bayati
Mohammad Ibrahim Sarhan
Zeana Ghanim Abdijabar


The purpose of the study was to determine the level of public awareness regarding environmental pollution, its causes, and the role that the media—particularly environmental media—plays in informing the public about environmental culture and the dangers it poses to their social, health, and developmental well-being. The role that civil law plays in establishing the guilt of the offender, making him pay, and addressing the consequences of pollution within the context of environmental pollution damage civil liability, particularly in light of the challenges associated with establishing the legal foundation for this duty regarding error and damage. The research employed a stratified random sampling technique. Based on the study’s findings, the population in Iraq is not well-informed about environmental culture or pollution by the country’s media. Proposals and recommendations were made in light of the study’s findings. These included the following: educating children about the risks posed by environmental pollution at home; creating environmental education curricula for all educational levels; disseminating environmental messages in the media; and streamlining these messages so that everyone in society can understand them.