Exploring the influence of gender variation on the use of language learning apps in foreign language skill improvement
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Gender variation emerges as one of the relevant concepts in the domain of language education because it facilitates understanding individuals’ approaches to language learning, including the adoption and use of technology. The current study, with a focus on language learning technology, aims to explore how gender variation influences learners’ use of language learning apps to improve their language skills. To achieve the study’s objective, we adopted a mixed research methodology. We purposefully selected one hundred and forty-three (146) foreign language students for this research. Using mixed methods, all the students participated in the quantitative survey, while only four students participated in the qualitative part of the research. The participants’ responses to the first research question revealed that gender variation is evident in some aspects but less so in others. There was a clear gender difference in preference and confidence in the use of language learning apps (LLAs). In terms of preference, the male respondents (mean = 4.1) show that they have a stronger preference for gaming LLAs than collaborative and communication LLAs. The females also show interest in using gaming LLAs, but with a relatively low mean score (mean = 2.9), indicating that the females may be consistent in their preference for collaboration and communication. The male students’ mean score (4.6) in regard to the fifth survey item demonstrated strong confidence in using LLAs compared to their female counterparts (mean = 4.4). While there was moderate gender variation in regards to app navigation and the type of language skill improved using LLAs, gender variation is absent in terms of frequency in the use of LLAs among the respondents (both genders).