Nature worship in the digital age: A case of Omabala clan in Anambra State in South East Nigeria
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The study examined the patronage of nature worship in the digital age with focus on Omabala clan in Anambra State. It is premised on the fact that nature worship still holds sway in the digital and Christian-dominated society. Five research questions guided the study which employed a survey design. The population was the Omabala clan scattered in four LGAs in Anambra State. 100 respondents drawn using convenient sampling formed the sample. Data were elicited by means of a researcher-designed questionnaire tagged ‘Female Nature Worship Questionnaire’ (FENAWOQ). The percentage was used for data analysis. The findings revealed among others that the most popular form of nature worship in the area is water worship and that nature worshippers employ digital devices and other mass media in their operations – an indication that African Traditional Religion (ATR) moves with the times. Also, most water worship centres are presided over by women in spite of the male-dominated society. It was equally observed that the major reason African Traditional Religion (ART) thrives in the area despite the spread of Christianity is due to the life-threatening challenges the people face. The study concludes that the potency of ATR is still upheld by adherents, Christianization notwithstanding.